Scottish Film Talent Network is looking for a well-organised and proactive Coordinator to play a key role in the delivery of funding and support for new and emerging filmmakers across Scotland
Purpose of the role
The Scottish Film Talent Network (SFTN) consortium has been awarded the contract by Creative Scotland to deliver the Scottish element of the BFI Net.Work. The BFI Net.Work will connect the UK’s film talent development agencies for the first time, bringing together experienced development teams and talent centres to offer hands-on and holistic development opportunities for promising UK writers, directors and producers who are yet to make their first feature film.
The SFTN consortium comprises the Centre for the Moving Image, DigiCult and Hopscotch Films.
The SFTN Coordinator will support the delivery of funding and development activities working closely with the Talent Development Executive and SFTN Management Group. They will act as a first point of contact for all enquiries as well as overseeing the organisational, administrative and communication needs of SFTN including setting up and maintaining appropriate systems and processes.
Please apply by CV and cover letter, ensuring that you meet the criteria set out in the person specification. You should also include your contact details and details for two employment references (preferably emails). These referees may be contacted prior to interview unless you specify otherwise.
Please download the full job description and person specification here
It is company policy to only contact shortlisted candidates. If you have not heard within two weeks of the deadline, please consider you have been unsuccessful in securing an interview.
Please email your application to
It is company policy to only contact shortlisted candidates. If you have not heard within two weeks of the deadline, please consider you have been unsuccessful in securing an interview.
Job Title: Scottish Film Talent Network Coordinator
Salary: c. £22,500 per annum Status: Full-time, initial 12 month fixed term contract Reports to: SFTN Talent Development Executive Deadline: 12pm, Thursday 11th September 2014 Interviews: 16th/17th September 2014 Preferred Start: 15th October 2014 (or sooner)
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